Dear KDE friends,

during Akademy 2017 I delivered a lightning talk "Opening new doors:
KDE in embedded" in line with a mail[2] sent to kde-community mailing
list in April 2016 and a blog post[3] published in October 2016.

After the talk, several of you approached me with the idea to organize
a BoF. We did. The talking points were:

* Presentation of every participant (around 12) and description of the
opportunity they see in automotive for KDE.
* Those of us who are currently (or has been in the past) involved in
automotive described which opportunities we see nowadays for KDE in
* We agreed on working towards creating a basic demo that shows the
capabilities of KDE technologies in the automotive field to show it in
events related with Open Source in automotive.
* Overview of the challenges to face to make thar demo come true.
* And then?

So in general the idea of the BoF was to find out if there was enough
interest in the topic, which there was.

Now it is time to shape a plan and work towards creating a simple demo
that shows the potential that our technologies, the project and the
community has in this sector, specially within those incipient open
and collaborative environments that  are growing fast, creating Linux
based distributions for automotive. AGL and GENIVI are the best known

Please join the revived kde-embedded mailing list[4]. You can also pay
attention and/or join two projects in phabricator[5][6] to follow the
actions taken by the promoters of this modest effort.


Best Regards

Agustin Benito (toscalix)
KDE eV member

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