On Saturday, 16 September 2017 07:54:48 CEST Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
> 2017-09-15 4:27 GMT-03:00 Volker Krause <vkra...@kde.org>:
> > On Friday, 15 September 2017 05:23:44 CEST Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
> >> From Mozilla documentation: "So when you say '63% of beta 53 has
> >> Firefox set as its default browser', make sure you specify it is 63%
> >> of *pings*, since it is only around 46% of clients. (Apparently users
> >> with Firefox Beta 53 set as their default browser submit more
> >> main-pings than users who don't)."
> > 
> > That is something else though, that's the participation ratio on opt-in.
> > Measuring that and determining its bias on the submitted data is indeed a
> > challenge, but I don't see how unique ids help with that?
> It has nothing to do with participation ratio; Firefox betas have
> opt-out telemetry.
> 63% of Firefox Beta 53 telemetry records (which Mozilla calls "pings")
> say it was set as the default browser. If you deduplicate using client
> ID, it turns out 46% of distinct Firefox Beta 53 clients had it set as
> the default browser. Thus, for some reason users who set it as the
> default browser send a more frequent telemetry than those who didn't,
> perhaps because they use the browser more.

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood this then. Deduplication in should work in this 
case with the time-based approach too I think.


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