Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> On woensdag 20 september 2017 16:21:44 CEST
> wrote:
>> Please pardon the top-posting ... I am including the message to/from
>> kde-community below, as background ... please note the link to a bug
>> listed on Mageia, as it pretty much clarifies what I am referring to.
>> I am looking for any advice/guidance to squash this bug, even if it
>> is "no longer supported"  ... I don't think something should be
>> dropped in a broken state ... to me, it just doesn't speak well for
>> the future. Please also forgive the cross posting to a Mageia
>> list ... just trying to keep them in the loop, as that list is where
>> this quest started.
> I'm sorry, KDE can't help you with this:
> - As you said, KDM is unsupported and its maintainer isn't active in
>   KDE anymore
> - The problem you're experiencing isn't even a problem KDE has anything
>   to do with, it stems from a change that apparently Mageia developers
>   made to the KDM login manager.
> Cheers,

 Thank you for the clarification, and for your time
Fred James

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