On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Dimitris Kardarakos <dimk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I am Dimitris, KDE Contributor from Greece. Yesterday I presented vision of
> KDE as well as vision of Plasma at Fosscomm2017 . Fosscomm (Free and Open
> Source Software Communities Meeting) is an annual conference about free and
> open source software, hosted at Harokopio University of Athens.
> Does any specific place exist where I may upload the presentation file to? I
> am going to write a short article about the vision of KDE in greek
> foss-related blogs and groups. Thus, it would be convenient to have a
> reference to the presentation file.
> PS. Presentation is in Greek
> Dimitris Kardarakos

You can upload it to share.kde.org, but I don't think it will be public there.

Maybe you can ask sysadmin here where's a good place to have it in public http:

Thanks for embracing KDE! :)

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