On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:01 PM, Jos van den Oever
<j...@vandenoever.info> wrote:

>> So, what kind of KDE-related talks *are* there at FOSDEM? Did anyone send
>> stuff in? Are there talks by "us" in other devrooms? [[ not by me, although
>> I could conceivably have sent something in for BSD, or for the Identity
>> rooms ]] How about (Plasma) Mobile?
>> Vaguely related: who will be at FOSDEM, from the KDE community?
> I sent in a talk about Rust Qt Binding Generator for the Rust room. I do now
> know yet if it's been accepted.

Many devrooms are still scheduling their talks. There have been a
whopping 1304 talk proposals this year, it takes some time.

@Jos: your talk is still undecided

IIRC someone asked a few weeks ago why there was no Desktops DevRoom
this year. The reason is with 50+ tracks, talks usually fit better in
topic-specific devrooms than in a generic devroom.

Pau Garcia i Quiles

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