On Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:58:51 CET Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:

> What you need to focus on right now is not bikeshedding about statuses
> etc., but to recruit more and more QA/triagers. The QA team is Martin's
> "second level support". This is the primary solution.

Yeah, I guess this is all just bikeshedding. Adding a status would help me, 
but it wouldn't solve the largest problem. And I don't personally thing that 
s/UNCONFIRMED/NEW or vice versa would make any difference. If it makes people 
happy, why not...

> Two years ago we had essentially the same "should we add a TRIAGED
> status" -discussion over at LibreOffice, initiated by myself. This was
> almost purely thinking about QA workers, not developers - yes, we are
> that independent. In the end we did not add the status. It is hard to
> predict the effects of increasing complexity so we did not bother.

That's a good point, too.

Boudewijn Rempt | https://www.valdyas.org | https://www.krita.org

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