On Wednesday, 11 April 2018 23:13:45 CEST, Rohan Garg wrote:
IANAL but you can find the EULA for the proprietary blobs here [1]

[1] http://files.pine64.org/doc/MALI/MALI%20EULA.pdf

Where the relevant bit is this:

[you may ..]

1.1 (ii)
subject to Clause 1.2, distribute the whole of the Software; and/or (b) the whole or any part of
the Software together with, or as incorporated into, Applications; and
If you choose to redistribute the whole or any part of the Software pursuant to the licences granted in Clause 1.1(ii), you agree: (i) not to use ARM's or any of its licensors names, logos or trademarks to market Applications; (ii) to retain any and all copyright notices and other notices (whether ARM's or its licensor's) which are included with the Software; and (iii) include a copy of this Licence with
such redistribution.

To me (also NAL, though I play one on TV), that looks like a "yes".


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