
Qt World Summit 2018 is coming soon - this year it'll be a
smaller-scale, single-day event. Again in the bcc in Berlin, on December

Last year we managed to significantly raise the bar of KDE's presence at
the event, with a coordinated visual theme backed by assets such as crew
shirts, banners, stickets. We also managed to set ourselves apart from
vendors exhibiting at the event by doubling-down on more of a "part of
the Qt community" profile - our booth provided attendees a reprieve in
the form of device charging stations, and KDE showed its presence as
co-hosters of the event by assigning a person to every room and helping
run the show.

Dot: https://dot.kde.org/2017/10/13/kde-powers-qt-world-summit

In the debrief, I think we were quite happy with how things went and
concluded if we get another chance, we'd try to do it again. The Qt
Company feels the same way, as they've reached out and offered similar
accomodations for this year as well.

I'd like us to take them up on the offer, as our relationship with the
Qt community and company remain of great importance to us.

To do this we need people. Who can be in Berlin on December 6th to carry
our flag and represent KDE?


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