I've been spending a lot of time browsing, searching, and filtering our bugs in 
Bugzilla. One of the areas I've found that could use improvement, are the 
NEEDSINFO bugs. Often, bugs are placed into this status, either awaiting 
additional information or backtraces, never to be updated again. We have 
NEEDSINFO bugs dating back to 2009.

I believe it would be best, if these unactionable bugs are closed after 30 days 
of inactivity. This would become a KDE Bugzilla policy going forward, and one 
we could even implement as a bot if possible in the future. For example, the 
Chromium project Sherriffbot does this today. But for now, I'd like it to 
become a manual Bugsquad action item to check. It cannot be expected to leave a 
bug open indefinitely, if the reporter cannot be bothered to provide the 
additional requested information. It's unfair to our developers to be unsure 
when to close an abandoned bug, and contributes to lessening the 
signal-to-noise ratio of our issues in Bugzilla.

This is already a policy at many other projects such as The Document 
Foundation, Chromium, and Fedora. Additionally, several of our developers 
within KDE are already doing this.


Andrew Crouthamel

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