On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 at 20:56, Luca Beltrame <lbeltr...@kde.org> wrote:
> - As far as I remember, they *only* supported deployment with Docker.
>   This is is IMO a terrible and black-magic approach

Seems like a perfectly sensible and modern way to deploy.  You can log
into the running container fine and twiddle as needed.

> - It uses (used to use?) PostgreSQL as database, for which Sysadmin
>   isn't really keen on using unless absolutely necessary

Shrug, personal taste.

> - The UX is not as best as it looks, hijacks stuff like the back button
>   on the browser and what not

Shrug, personal taste.

> - The "app" on mobile is a joke, basically a web view of the mobile page

I'm told the app works fine web view or no, doesn't seem a reason to
dislike an app.

> > I think KDE should consider moving away from mailman and onto
> Does Discourse have a mail interface to avoid breaking user workflows?
> How should a migration be handled? Don't forget we'll lose distributed
> archiving of the mailing lists as well (very useful).

It certainly notifies by e-mail, I've not yet worked out how it treats
incoming e-mail.

It has import filters for mailman and maybe phpBB but also if we ever
got to a point where we dropped the current systems entirely they can
just be turned read only and continue to be used as archives.

> Also, don't forget that "should", to quote a seminar I was at recently,
> should become "I/we/they will". If no one is willing to put support
> with the (aged! I'm not saying it's perfect) forum infrastructure why
> do you think one would put up with the new?

Of course it would need someone to do the work, but it would mean
replacing two systems with one.


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