
It seems there is always seem to be someone within KDE that wants something new 
and shiny, I name gitlab, Discourse, a new identity system, etc.

On the flip side, there is always someone that does not want to part with the 
old stuff.

Hence there is always more stuff to do, while we must also maintain all the old 

Sometime you need a step back to create room to go two forward. We are just 
asking to think with us if some services are really needed.


Tom Albers
KDE Sysadmin
On 9 Nov 2019, 20:43 +0100, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org>, wrote:
> El dissabte, 9 de novembre de 2019, a les 0:49:49 CET, Ben Cooksley va 
> escriure:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > One of the things that was prepared as a result of the Sysadmin BoF at
> > Akademy was a list of systems and services which we look after and
> > provide to the community.
> >
> > Whilst individually all of the services seem fairly reasonable and
> > maintainable, the cumulative number of them has created a situation
> > where they limit our ability to reasonably maintain our services as a
> > collective whole.
> >
> > I've therefore conducted an analysis of all the various services we
> > operate, with the objective of shutting down those services and sites
> > that either provide marginal benefit to the community, are historical
> > in nature or which could be provided better by others.
> >
> > Please note that while individually each item may seem small (and
> > therefore "not an issue" to continue running), it is the collective
> > number of them that create the problem.
> >
> > I'll shortly be sending out a series of emails regarding the services
> > in question which have been identified for shutdown.
> Honestly i think you took the wrong approach here, removing things we seem to 
> be using because there's not enough sysadmins instead of trying to increase 
> the sysadmins.
> Cheers,
> Albert
> P.S: Maybe there has been an attempt to increase the sysadmins, if so I 
> apologize
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ben
> >

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