On 09/11/2019 16:07, Ben Cooksley wrote:
On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 9:32 AM Albert Vaca Cintora
<albertv...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 6:53 PM Ben Cooksley <bcooks...@kde.org> wrote:
Unfortunately Rosetta does not have the necessary free disk space, as
the Subversion repository is approximately 80GB these days in size,
and operating WebSVN requires a full copy of the Subversion repository
locally in order to operate.
Is this also the case if you run WebSVN next to the SVN server itself
(ie: on the same machine)? If a single repo copy can be shared by
WebSVN and the actual SVN server, that would reduce the storage needs.
Running WebSVN on the same machine is not safe for us to do, because
certain requests cause WebSVN to generate a substantial amount of
system load, and have caused out of memory events on systems running
it in the past.

I know nothing about WebSVN internals, but if that's the only issue, PHP's memory_limit setting should allow avoiding such as issue: https://www.php.net/manual/fr/ini.core.php Do realize that this setting only affects a single script's usage though - it will avoid one script execution going berserk, but if we really want to set an overall WebSVN limit of 4 GB for example, we probably need to set memory_limit to - say - 512 MB - but also the max number of concurrent requests to 8.

I personally used WebSVN for translation issues a few times. I wouldn't have helped as much without it. I would find it unfortunate if translations could no longer be viewed from the web. I would consider that issue as somewhat strategic, since many start contributing by getting involved in translations... and a web access to translation helps getting involved in translation.


Philippe Cloutier

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