Could this large venue suffice for Akademy?


On 1/4/20 7:01 AM, Eike Hein wrote:
Dear community,

Happy new year!

Recently, we've gotten approached a few times with offers of venues for KDE events/sprints. One such case was the MBition office, which resulted in the recent Frameworks 6 sprint held there. Another is the foss-north 2020 Community Day, which Adriaan sent an email about not too long ago.

In addition to these, we've recently been made aware that DIN e.V. (a well-established German organization maintaining important industry norms/standards) have a large venue in central Berlin they're offering to make available to open source events in three seperate timeframes in 2020, which we think is very compelling.

I've added a new section in the sprint wiki collecting dates and venues that are "up for grabs":

If you have a need for a sprint this year and don't have a venue yet, please consider these. If you're interested in a venue that doesn't have a contact listed (e.g. for foss-north, Adriaan is already coordinating our presence there), please open a thread on the community list to keep everyone in the loop, or if you need additional info or help with the application.

If you have an amazing venue and want KDE to fill it with life, don't hesitate to add yourself to the list, either. :-)


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