<3 It has been awesome seeing you kick ass in KDE! 

Don't be a stranger!


On onsdag 19 februari 2020 kl. 11:21:11 CET Ivana Isadora Devcic wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> hope you're doing well!
> As most of you know, I have been employed by KDE e.V. as a Marketing
> Contractor alongside Paul Brown. Those of you involved in KDE Promo might
> have noticed my absence lately, and the truth is I haven't been actively
> contributing for a while now.
> The reason is that my responsibilities at my day job have increased
> significantly over the last year. I often work long hours and my weekly
> schedule is highly unpredictable. This makes it difficult to contribute to
> KDE in the capacity that is expected of me. This has also unfairly put
> pressure on Paul, who had to work extra to cover for me.
> Therefore, I have decided to step down. As I'm no longer able to support
> the community, I don't want to waste everyone's time and resources. It's
> time to make room for someone new and fresh.
> The KDE e.V. Board has already approved this decision, so I am just
> announcing it now to make it official. I'll use this opportunity to thank
> them for everything - for taking a chance on me in the first place; for
> always being supportive, understanding, and patient; and for being the best
> employers anyone could wish for. :)
> Although I'm sad that I didn't accomplish much in KDE Promo, I'm still
> happy that I played a part in reviving the team. The Promo work is never
> done - we have to keep spreading the good word about KDE and our software.
> I'm confident that those who come after me will do better than I did, and
> that they will make you all proud. Also, I'm not going anywhere, really :).
> I'll still stick around in Promo and try to contribute as much as I can.
> Before I close this email, I'd like to thank everyone in KDE who welcomed
> me and worked with me. I know it sounds corny, but this has really been a
> dream job for me. The whole experience helped me overcome many of my fears,
> allowed me to meet wonderful people from all over the world, and taught me
> valuable lessons about marketing in open source communities. I'll keep
> learning, and I'll never stop striving to become better.
> Thanks for reading! I wish you all the best, and if you ever wanna chat,
> you know where to find me.
> Cheers,
> Ivana Isadora Devcic

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