On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 2:32 PM Piyush Aggarwal
<piyushaggarwal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How long do redirects like this one work? If they will keep working 
> indefinitely, then maybe we can have all the repos at flat URLs for once and 
> then move them to respective subgroups?

I don't think this works if you want $repo to appear in *both* A and B
subgroups. A move is a one-way operation.

If I understand the docs [1] correctly then the multi-group thing is
mostly labeling with aliases in our case. There would be one KDE
structure and a bunch of groups which are basically an ACL with a name
to selectively grant access to a project via the "sharing" mechanism.
So projects in such a group are in fact aliases for projects in the
main KDE namespace similar to symlinks.

The trick is therefore basically: make everybody a member of every
group so you see $repo under both A and B groups because KDE/$repo is
shared from the KDE group with both A and B.


- Johan

[1]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/group/

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