Am Freitag, 12. Juni 2020, 05:11:31 CEST schrieb Nate Graham:
> However I think there is a bigger challenge that just the technical
> issues. My interactions in bug reports have been quite negative, I have
> to say, and I don't feel like the developer culture is very welcoming
> right now.

It takes two to tango. I have not had negative experience with KDE PIM people.

And Nate, if I saw you advocating to have my KDE software removed from KDE-
centric distributions (even more when triggered because some proprietary-
privacy-screwing service support being broken, is that what KDE is about?) 
like in , that would magically lower the 
quality of my interaction in bug reports with you as well. And no, this is not 
about who started.

Please, let us keep this a community working together, not against each other, 
and one showing respect to each others efforts. All of Plasma, KDEPIM, 
KDevelop etc. pp. have lots of issues. We could be bitching about each others 
products all day long and where their developers have not instantly cared 
about our very important issues and our oh so very clever and well done 
solution/fixes/improvements, with all their politeness, spending all of their 
time just for us, or where we see them going wrong ways and how they fail to 
meet other products quality and features.
He, one could use Gnome, Visual Studio Code, Thunderbird. etc. pp., who needs 

I am missing what this email thread here should achieve, despite being 
demotivating for those whose product is talked about or even bad-mouthing 
them. We all know there are big and small flaws. Those get fixed by people 
working on them. Not by people showing off their knowledge that there are 
flaws. And I doubt the developers of the products do not know about the flaws. 
They just do not have the resources left to handle them, given resources are 

And when you compare KDEPIM to Evolution and Thunderbird, you also want to 
compare the current resources behind. Which of those products has developers 
behind that work on them during paid jobs, not only in their leisure time?

I am happy to be able to use KMail, all the years.

If you want to help KDEPIM, but cannot become the needed qualified developer 
to help by being another resource yourself, see to make business plans instead 
to organize the needed resources to get more funded developers. If you also 
cannot do that, bad luck. World will not be improved by you.
PIM is more complex given all the various data and service specifications and 
various buggy implementations of them which have to be handled to please user 
expectations. And you have to be able to also manage massive amounts of data 
without annoying the user by waiting times. It's not what your beginner/
amateur developer can easily do. KDEPIM thankfully still has some professional 
developers around who invest their leisure time now and then. I am thankful 
they do, so KDEPIM is not dead. From my few bug reports in the last months, 
some of them were fixed the other day or were already before.


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