Hello KDE Community,

It is so easy to feel down when you read negative feedback from the users. But 
it is important to remember that, on the whole, more people are happy with your 
work than angry at it. It may not seem like it when you read snarky comments on 
Reddit or listen to rants from disgruntled YouTubers, but we all know that most 
of the people will not say they are happy with something. They will just get on 
with it–whatever "it" maybe.

What follows are the exceptions to that rule, the posts from people who were so 
happy, they could not contain themselves and had to go to the trouble of saying 
nice ​things on social media.


Aniqa Khokhar

Marketing Consultant


The best decision. Plasma has become a beast, the best desktop by far, 
extremely configurable and very low requirements of resources, and more modular 
than ever!

-- Cristian Ramos, commenting on the news that Ubuntu Studio would be migrating 
to Plasma



Running Manjaro KDE 20 over a week, can't see myself going [back] to Windows 10 
again, this is simply the best DE I've ever tried. Thank you for your hard work!

-- Amit Matok, on Twitter



So much usability in this and none of the lock down, privacy problems, 
ownership or advertising.

-- Adam Dymitruk, commenting on the feature that allows uploading images to 



Holy moly this is super duper nice. Just tried it. Damn.

-- Archiver_test4, commenting on the feature that allows uploading images to 



KDE Connect is insane. I didn't believe it when I saw a demonstration. But now 
I use it all the time. One of the coolest projects out there.

--Jasper, commenting on KDE Connect's ability to run random commands



KDE Connect is such a great piece of software. It always makes me smile, when 
it does its thing.

--tcberner, commenting on KDE Connect's ability to run random commands



Hi, I just wanted to say I’m really impressed with the pace at which the entire 
KDE team has been making all your software better over the last few years. It’s 
truly stunning to see such quality and attention to detail from free software. 
In particular, Krita and the Plasma desktop have made it possible for me to 
give up macOS entirely, and I’m so thankful for that.

-- Vy-let on Mastodon



You know that feeling of rage when Windows updates try to force themselves onto 
your computer? KDE is like the exact opposite of that. My first reaction is 
"updates? nice!"

-- pizzystrizzy on Twitter, commenting on the news of the release of Plasma 



I love Konqi ❤️

-- Konqi on Mastodon, not sure of a manifestation of love towards KDE's mascot 
or expressing self-appreciation. Either way, nice sentiment.


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