On Saturday, 8 August 2020 13:24:40 BST Jacky Alcine wrote:
> Hey y'all.

  Heyhey! :)

> Is there an interest or has there been discussion to rename that part of KDE
> (Get New Hot Stuff) into something that's more explicit in what it does?
> Like "Application Addons"?

  We have attempted to come up with something else which encapsulates the 
concept of what Get Hot New Stuff does, and the problem is that it is not just 
application addons. GHNS (and the underlying Open Collaboration Services API) 
makes no requirements on which specific types of content are distributed using 
it, and so we end up in a situation where switching to a more specific names 
reduces the concept.
  We /could/ of course go all buzzwordy on it and call it something like 
Content Store, but that just makes it seem like it's only inactive consumption 
stuff, or we could call it Application Addons, but that does not suggest it 
could also be used for something like comic books or other types of creative 
writing (of course i'm going to use a personal example, Peruse uses GHNS for 
its book store).
  It is not that i am particularly against finding another name, but it has to 
be extremely good and wide ranging as a term to encapsulates what GHNS does 
for it to be a good replacement, and while i would be pleased to be proven 
wrong, i find myself doubtful that we can find something which is objectively 
better than Get Hot New Stuff to such a degree that what mindshare it already 
has becomes discardable. (and i'm not suggesting that it is a world wide 
acknowledged trademark type thing going on here, just that any new name would 
also have to be good enough to make that choice)

> Additionally, is there a means of centralizing a place for these add-ons?
> Having to remember where and how I installed things all over is a bit of a
> hunt.

  That would be Discover :) We've been improving that over the last little 
while, and you'll even start seeing GHNS updates in your Discover updates 
notifier very soon :)

..dan / leinir..

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