Hi everyone,

As announced during the board report at Akademy, one of the board's
goals for 2020 is to support an open source-friendly hardware ecosystem,
spurned by the KDE community's successful foray into more hardware
partnerships over recent years.

In this context, we'd like to point out to you this year's Open Source
Firmware Conference (thanks to Tobias Fischbach for the tip!):


It will be a digital event this year, and has in the past years enjoyed
participation by projects such as coreboot, the LVFS and many hardware
vendors. This conference could be a good opportunity to pursue
networking as well as closer integration between our user interfaces and
open source firmware for useful user-facing features and device performance.

Albeit online this is a ticketed event, and reimbursements.kde.org
accepts support requests for it this year. As per usual, you should
apply for support with a solid and easy to understand reason (for
example: you are giving a talk - CfP open until October 1st!; you have
something specific you need to get done there; it would benefit project
X because of Y).


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