This came to the Community Working Group, when it should have been sent to
KDE Community ML. Please do not CC the Community-WG list in replies. -v

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 1:07 PM
Subject: partnership
To: <>, <>, <>,
<>, <>,

Dear Friends of KDE eingetragener Verein,
  We are a little team of 3 scientists who defend ethical values provided
by free/libre software and "free culture" in general.
  Currently we are creating a french structure named CDOSS (Compliance
for Data Open Source Software, in the the mission to
certificate every person using AI and Big Data Open Source Softwares to
prove its compliance with standards, legislation and contractual
  As specialists we feel the need that it could be important to
demonstrate technical competence and adherence to an ethical code for
the emerging data processing technologies.
   We are preparing 6 certifications to present abilties to :
- implement a IA models
- administer and perform maintenance tasks in Big Data platforms
  So we would ask for your support (as a possible partnership) to carry
out our projects.
  More over, we plan to offer a certification body for persons on an
ISO/IEC standard
  So that a CDOSS certified engineer could provide its clients
comprehensive services that inspire trust and benefit society as a
  We remain at your disposal for further information,
Sincerely yours,
Jérôme Filippone, CTO and Co-founder of CDOSS Ltd, Data Project Manager,
Dr Bassem Benhamed, Full professor & IA Expert,
Dr Heni Bouhamed, Senior Lecturer & Big Data Consultant,

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