Is there anyone from KDE that focuses on fundraising and grant seeking?

It might be a worthwhile investment, to find someone to focus on
fundraising, either pro-bono or in a professional capacity. If so,
maybe a professional accountant can speak to the complexities that
might come from such an endeavour.

This is just my opinion, if the majority of donations is from
individuals and small in sum be sure to set a framework that is
accommodating of what they enjoy most. At this time, I see a lot of
success in offering donor badges, exclusive forums ,chat or just a
live stream that you can pay to ask questions for. Yes this will mean
branching off from purely dev work, but it isn't so far off, as it is
really community building.

Friction is needed to encourage donations at some level.

If the majority of donations are few and large, then focus on giving
more of what large patrons want.

The key message is to play to your strengths and listen to where the
money is coming from to encourage more of its kind.

Julien Tremblay McLellan

Ottawa, Canada
Let's talk, just book me here

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