El sáb., 7 de nov. de 2020 a la(s) 18:22, Carl Schwan
(c...@carlschwan.eu) escribió:
> Hello folks,
> Tobias and I are developing a KDE matrix client using Kirigami
> and other KDE frameworks called NeoChat. This is a fork of another
> QML and now unmaintained Matrix client named Spectral.
> Tobias is currently implementing the account registration API
> and we found out that even if it isn't mandatory in the matrix
> spec, it is required to add ReCaptcha for connecting to most
> of the Matrix server (including kde.org, matrix.org and other
> major matrix servers).
> From a technical point of view, this would be quite painful to
> implement (adding a dependency to QtWebEngine) but most
> importantly this would require adding integration into a service
> that is not privacy-friendly, proprietary and monopolist. This
> is something that we think goes against the value of KDE. But at
> the same time, making it possible to register an account directly
> from NeoChat is something that is quite important in the user
> experience.
> So my questions to the community would be to know if there are
> already some precedent of KDE apps adding supports for ReCaptcha
> and if this is a good idea to support it?
> Thanks in advance for your answers,
> Cheers,
> Carl and Tobias

Does Matrix really require "recaptcha"? I thought it had a protocol
for "whatever login/security mechanism the homeserver gives you, as a
webpage link".


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