Am Donnerstag, 25. November 2021, 17:17:52 CET schrieb Ingo Klöcker:
> [snip]
> OTOH, I think I would prefer to use a separate dedicated mailing list for
> this. I have mixed feelings about mixing community discussions with job
> advertisements. 

Personally I'd also prefer a dedicated mailing list. Especially when people 
discuss about what is appropriate and what is not, I expect the line to be 
hard to draw and since this is a public mailing list, there is a good chance 
that some people decide it's a good space for head hunting, which will clutter 
the list a bit up. 

If we do have a dedicated list, personally I would be less strict about the 
FLOSS requirement, since if the job does teach people things that they can and 
will use to contribute to KDE (or other FLOSS) in their spare time, I'd still 
count that as a net win.

> Regards,
> Ingo

Kind regards, 


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