Welcome to the KDE community, Dina!

On 2/19/22 11:37, Paul Brown wrote:
On Saturday, 19 February 2022 11:34:11 CET Lydia Pintscher wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to welcome Dina to KDE. She's KDE e.V.'s new event manager
and will support us in organizing our events. She'll work closely with
the LAS and Akademy teams to put together great events for all of you.
Dina Nouskali is an event organiser and digital marketer. She has a
Bachelor in Marketing and Advertising and a Master in E-business and
Digital Marketing and a big passion for event organising. During the
last 10 years, she has cooperated with different companies and
organisations in organising conferences, cultural events, festivals
and workshops.

Please give her a warm welcome in KDE.

Hello Dina!

Welcome to KDE. We look forward to working with you!



KDE Eco: Building Energy-Efficient Free Software!

Website: https://eco.kde.org
Mastodon: @BE4FOSS@mastodon.social
Mailing list: https://mail.kde.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/energy-efficiency
Matrix: https://webchat.kde.org/#/room/#energy-efficiency:kde.org
Forum: https://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=334

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
BE4FOSS Project and Community Manager (KDE Eco)
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