Hello all

I'll make a speech in German about Kdenlive on the "20. Kieler Open
Source und Linux Tage" most probably on 17-Sep-2022 in the morning (I'm
doing this the 3th time now).

Maybe other KDE software "owners" are interested as well to present
their software and make a speech in German.

Here the Link: https://kilux.de/ and here the contact:
hhaberm...@pc-kiel.de (Hauke Goos-Habemann) in case of questions (or
request for extend the registration date).

For presentations:

-Friday 16-Sep-2022 (Day 1)

-Saturday 17-Sep-2022 (Day 2)

31-Jul-2022: official registration deadline


Eugen Mohr (from Kdenlive core team)

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