On Wednesday, 1 February 2023 11:29:41 CET Anna (cybertailor) Vyalkova wrote:
> Distro people!
> We're starting a mailing list for coordinating on cross-distro problems,
> "fire of the week", anything which needs - or would benefit from -
> distributions speaking to each other.
> Example topics include:
> * "new $X is totally broken oh god"
> * coordination of stuff like time_t migration
> * discussing how to handle something new (the github unstable-tarballs
>   incident would be a good example)
> Please consider subscribing: distributi...@lists.linux.dev (link on
> lists.linux.dev / https://subspace.kernel.org/lists.linux.dev.html)
> Do join too if you're an upstream and interested in these topics,
> especially if you're writing core software. We want a diverse set of
> opinions and perspectives!
> Pass it on to other distribution folks / packagers too. Cheers!

This is a great idea, and something that we would want to boost from Promo to 
the outside world.

It would also probably make for a decent pilot discussion forum on the 
Discourse instance we are testing:


I would help us gauge whether the platform is popular and usable by external 
actors, i.e., the folks in charge of distros with KDE implementations.


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