Apologies for the all caps, but now that I have your attention :)

With Plasma 6, various breaking changes affect existing Plasma look-and-feel themes, widgets, and ad-ons.

We love all your stuff, but you need to port it for it to work in Plasma 6. We have created some handy, easy-to-follow guides:



Porting is quite straightforward and should not take you long.

Keep our users happy! Port your stuff! :)


(H/t Paul Brown and Nate Graham for the above announcement)

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
KDE Internal Communications & KDE Eco Community Manager
OpenPGP: 8FC5 4178 DC44 AD55 08E7 DF57 453E 5746 59A6 C06F
Matrix: @joseph:kde.org

Generally available Monday-Thursday from 10-16h CET/CEST. Outside of these times it may take a little longer for me to respond.

KDE Eco: Building Energy-Efficient Free Software!
Website: https://eco.kde.org
Mastodon: @be4foss@floss.social

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