
On Friday 19 April 2024 14:03:01 CEST Luigi Toscano wrote:
> Nate Graham ha scritto:
> > I expect a vast amount of discussion to result from this proposal, and I
> > think that's great. It'll be good to talk about it. But I suspect in the
> > end we'll likely not achieve 100% consensus, and in that event I'd like
> > for us to put it to a formal KDE e.V. vote so that the topic doesn't
> > become stale and die after everyone's exhausted from a long discussion.
> Is this an eV topic?

I guess it was rhetorical in which case I'll humor you: no, it's not an e.V. 

On a more serious tone: I'm actually concerned about such an early mention of 
an e.V. vote. This is the wrong tool and forum for this discussion.

Also, I don't see the need to assume what early that it'll lead to "everyone's 
exhausted from a long discussion". 

This assumption and the mention of a vote is IMHO setting the stage for the 
conversation to get out of hand before any indication that it otherwise 
would... a bit like a self fulfilling prophecy unfortunately. I hope we won't 
collectively walk into it.

I'd be more optimistic as despite initial push backs I see ways for a quick 
consensus to emerge on something different than the initial proposal.

Anyway, if it would get out of hand nonetheless (I could be wrong and too 
optimistic after all), I'd propose to have a volunteer and *neutral* 
facilitator talking independently to the various parties and producing a final 
proposal with high chances of consensus reaching. A bit like we did at the 
time of the production of the KDE Manifesto.

Note I wouldn't volunteer because obviously I got some more skin in the game 
this time and already engaged in the conversation. So if you're someone who 
didn't reply to this thread and have no strong opinion about the topic: keep 
monitoring that thread and maybe evaluate volunteering to facilitate if we 
start throwing mud at each other. ;-)

Kevin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

enioka Haute Couture - proud supporting member of KDE

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