On Tuesday 1 February 2011 23:06:47 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, Stefan Majewsky wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> > > then i learned today to be extra vigilant about doing `git pull
> > > --rebase` and not just `git pull` so i don't accidentally throw merge
> > > commits in there while preping for a push.
> > 
> > Look in man git-config for "branch.autosetuprebase". I think this
> > should go into the Git manual after someone has checked this (did not
> > actually try it).
> ooh, very cool. ok, i'm going to try running with this and see how it
> rolls.

Switched to it recently, and it definitely fits my workflow better. Now I 
don't have to worry all the time with "did I rebase before my push?".

Only downside is that it applies only to newly created branches, but that's 
easy enough to fix.

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud patron of KDE, http://www.kdab.com

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