On Friday, 4 de February de 2011 15:18:58 Nicolas Alvarez wrote:
> Johannes Sixt wrote:
> > (1) All back- and forward-porting was complete when SVN went
> > read-only.
> IMHO this is not a safe assumption. As I said before, I found a missing
> forward-port in kdeplasma-addons, which is a 'small' repository. I see a
> higher chance of a missing forward port among the 200+ 4.6 revisions in
> kdelibs.

Those missing forward-ports need to be forward-ported anyway. The merging 
doesn't change that.

Whoever forgot to do forward-ports should be doing it *yesterday*.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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