On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Sune Vuorela <nos...@vuorela.dk> wrote:
> On 2011-02-15, Parker Coates <parker.coa...@kdemail.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 03:45, Sune Vuorela wrote:
>>> I have added prison (git clone kde:prison) to kdereview, targetting
>>> kdesupport.
>> Out of curiosity, what SC component is intended to use it?
> It is partly based on code I wrote for klipper half a year ago, and I
> want to replace it with a library.
> I also plan to make kaddressbook show vcard data in barcode format (so I
> can transfer it to my phone)
> I have also heard of someone with ideas for a barcode flake for
> calligra.

Might it also be useful for downloading plasmoids with plasma-mid?


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