Am 17.03.11, 16:28 -0000 schrieb John Layt:
On Thursday 17 Mar 2011 15:42:23 Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
well, I'd hate to see/implement/support integration code for every
different CMS :-)

At least Oyranos targets verbaly at cross platform, if thats of relevance
for osX and Windows.

The Oyranos library API is basic C. ArgyllCMS comes with pure CLI
and colord with only DBus. Not sure what you exactly expect out of this
mixed concepts for code integration. At least there are two C APIs.

Well, I see rhughes on the OpenPrinting list talking about integrating colord
directly into the CPD, and then we'll integrate Oyranos, and then I'm sure

At this point, I am not even sure, if there is interesst from the Gnome side to do any colour management work inside CPD. To add some background, rhughes belives in putting his CMS in parallel to the CUPS own CMS into CUPS server, as far as I have understood his posts.

The Oyranos project belives the CPD is the best place to do its work. It follows the idea to integrate user colour management on the client side and leave the CUPS vendor side CMS buisness to CUPS server.

someone will want ArgyllCMS support as well...

IMO ArgyllCMS targets at profiling and a clean and simple path to install the generated profiles. The other interesst is to preserve a explicitely non colour managed print path for ink limiting, calibration and profiling. That remaining functional is very important to create useful ICC profiles.

But I'm talking from a postition of ignorance here, I need to make time to
read all the doco and mailing lists and understand what it actually means.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

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