On 10/05/11 09:26, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
we also have some blighted API that remains that needs cleaning up, but we
also need to exercise restraint. since we don't need to make huge changes to
many parts of Platform, we should try and show caution in changing things
"just because we can". we should justify to ourselves why, for instance, we're
changing KPagedDialog (to pick something random out of the air; i don't
actually have designed on that one :)

On this front, I think it would be a good idea to try to introduce the new api and deprecate the old in a 4.x release where possible, before clearing out the deprecated stuff in Platform 5. This would allow a smoother transition, especially for apps that aren't included in SC.

we also need to take advantage of the new Qt openness and get more of our code
into Qt so we don't have to drag as many libraries around with us just because
it isn't in Qt. the changes to the Qt undo framework recently is an excellent
example of this, and there is tons of low hanging fruit here. John Layt named
a couple in his email: locale, calendars, printing.

If Qt is moving away from QWidgets to QML, this could potentially be an opportunity to push some of our kdeui stuff up into the QWidgets library, especially if someone associated with KDE is willing to take on maintainership of that. Admittedly, this is a big ask, but if we have someone willing to take that on, it's something we should probably consider.


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