Just as a side-note on SDO: For me SDO is very close to the KDE
development process. If I had my way everyone running KDE master would
also use SDO master. But for some reason that would only be acceptable
if SDO were in KDE's git...

On 06/06/2011 06:53 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Monday, 6 de June de 2011 17:48:41 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>> Personal opinion: I think it is impossible to want to run the latest
>> software around an old stack.  The overall FOSS world is rolling release
>> with everything depending on everything. I cannot see why you want to
>> change that with a moratorium.
> I agree on that, but I disagree on the age of the "old stack". For example, 
> I'm running the Mandriva rolling-release right now and I can't compile kdepim 
> and kdepimlibs because they haven't packaged yet shared-desktop-ontologies 
> 0.7. That was released less than one month ago. 
> I'd say that hard dependencies need to be at least a couple of months old, 
> unless there's a very good reason for doing otherwise. And in that case, it 
> should be announced in advance so that distributions and users can prepare 
> themselves.
>    * Shared desktop ontologies (0.6.51 or higher)  
> <http://oscaf.sourceforge.net>
>      Desktop ontologies
>      Ontologies necessary for the Nepomuk semantic desktop.
> Download & date: 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/oscaf/files/shared-desktop-ontologies/0.7/

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