On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:13 AM, John Tapsell <johnf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding integration - for a long time I've been interested in adding
> support to System Activity (ctrl+esc thingy).  In Windows, the task
> manager has a tab for both processes and for services, and you can
> switch between the two.  So you can right click on a process and jump
> to its service, and vice versa.  This integration makes a lot of sense
> since its often better to stop the service than to just kill the
> process.
> I've been somewhat waiting for the fight between upstart and systemd
> to be resolved, and also it would be good to have the following DBUS
> calls available to non-root users:
> 1) Return a list of currently running / stopped / runnable / etc  services
> 2) Provide user-friendly information about each service.  (Short
> description that I can show to the user)

These two are available.

> 3) Provide a list of PIDs for a given service

I couldn't see this, but maybe I missed it. At least you can get the
cgroup, and then you can look in the "procs" file to get a list of
pids belonging to the group.

> 4) Return the service for a given PID

This is available.



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