On Sunday, 2011-10-02, Θεόφιλος Ιντζόγλου wrote:
> I'm trying to improve the karchive plugin of ark to have better support for
> zip files but unfortunately there are some things missing from the KZip
> class like support for encrypted archives and file deletion. Should I
> create patches for the KZip/KArchive classes or just subclass KZip class
> and do all the necessary changes locally?

I think ideallly this would be done in the existing classes. However, there is 
currently a kind of freeze for features in kdelibs so you might have to work 
on that in a subclass of your own for the time being.

But hopefully in a way that results in this extended functionality being part 
of the respective classes in KDE frameworks 5.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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