Am 22.03.12, 22:49 +0100 schrieb Thomas Lübking:
Am 22.03.2012, 19:20 Uhr, schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann <>:
I was tould by the graphics community to keep the X Color Management spec
backward compatible with the ICC Profile in X spec, so we did. Thus old
style applications see a sRGB profile through the ICC Profile in X spec,
and they continue to work by converting to sRGB.

Sorry again, but does that actually mean that if I have a WG screen and an application which does not support the opt-out protocol or bought into a competing* system, it will be reduced to sRGB while the application and the

Where would be a competing system on Linux?

screen actually could do WG ... but the delete icon in dolphin looks correct?

That is correctly described and expected behaviour as developers said.

Next question: do you have approached the Wayland project on this?
In case, what do they say?

We discussed that with Wayland people and the last spec revision was adapted to meet their concerns. So the transition from X Color Management to W(ayland) Color Management should be relativele smooth.

*semi OT sidenote:
This is btw. sth. I do not like at all.
Xorg and fdo do not have the market share -esp. in that market- to afford two competing color management systems. I have no idea about the technical, conceptual and maybe religious differences, but would suggest to iron that out by all means if you ever want usable CM on this Architecture.

What other substantial proposals or discussions do you have in mind?
As far as I can see there was no publically discussed *competing* concept of substance ever brought to the attention of the graphics community. We only have read some nebulous and non technical statements on the typical level of marketing.

OpenICC [1] is the fd.o place to discuss such CM stuff or at least the Xorg email list. In both I am active. I will surely continue to present and discuss the idea with users and developers in various events.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann


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