El Dijous, 6 de setembre de 2012, a les 18:34:14, Daniel Nicoletti va 
> >> Sorry, cannot read sysadmin bugs. Where do you want it to move?
> > 
> > Since the idea is to replace s-c-p-kde it would reside where it is now,
> > so these repos would maybe go to unmaintained:
> > git.kde.org:printer-applet
> > http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeadmin/system-config-printer-kde/?view=l
> > og
> > 
> > As the print-manager repo provides both things
> > * a plasmoid and a kded module to replace printer-applet repo
> > * a KCM to replace s-c-p-kde KCM
> > I don't really know the best destination and I would rather not
> > split this repo since it uses an internal lib, maybe
> > kde workspace would be a good place to stay.
> Hi, it's been two weeks since it entered KDE review,
> I hope all translations issues were fixed, and would like to know
> where should I move it, and how do we proceed now since
> it seems no one has objected the replacement.

Sad noone cared to answer this, i think this is the problem of comiteers, 
everyone is lazy and waits to see if anyone else will take up the job and do 
the deicsion.

So since noone said anything in 11 days I will, please move it to kdeutils.

My rationale is that it replaces stuff from kdeadmin 
(system-config-printer-kde) and kdeutils (printer-appleat) so the logic would 
say it shall go to one of the two, since the first is not in git yet, the 
second one (kdeutils) seems like the best solution.


> Best,

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