On Wednesday, 21 November 2012 20:53:14 CEST, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
I.e. if you don't use "i18n()" or "tr() + kdecore (and actually this one has a missing feature because someone in Qt decided to make a method not virtual)" you can't get our .po/.mo system work-flow to work.

Not having translations seems a big issue to me.

Agreed; my goal never was "screw transaltions", but "let's make it possible to build 
without kdelibs". I don't care whether the source code uses calls to tr() or i18n() or some 
other wrapper.

I'm taking a look at how Marble works, it looks like their workflow indeed uses 
po2ts. I haven't found out how they make the .po files out of the tr() calls 

With kind regards,

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