On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:

> **
> For Plasma Workspaces 2, our goal is to have a user ready release in Q2
> 2013. This release will not necessarily be tied to the release schedule of
> Frameworks 5, nor does it impact in any way application development which
> should continue developing again the 4.x kdelibs until such time as we have
> a working release of Frameworks 5.

Aren't we already in Q2 2013?

Will plasma workspaces 2 work with kdelibs 4.x or will it be limited to
frameworks 5 only?  If the former, is there any idea when kdelibs 4.x will
be Qt 5 compatible?

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