On 3 November 2013 14:04, Felix Rohrbach <f...@gmx.de> wrote:
> "Nice application you have there, would be a shame if something would...
> happen to it."

Not at all. If something as important as Krita didn't ship an AppData
file in Fedora 22, we'd just write one ourselves and put it in the
Fedora srpm file. I've written ~80 AppData files myself and sent
nearly all of them upstream already. I've now got a few volunteers
doing the same thing to all manner of upstreams.

> Imho it's a matter of respect to discuss a standard beforehand with a
> community. And this threat to exclude apps, well...

Please don't portray me as a modern-day highwayman as I'm really just
trying to build an awesome application installer for GNOME. It's two
orders of magnitude harder to actually write a shared standard and ask
other desktops to adopt it (making changes as required) rather than a
quick hack that just works with one desktop on one distribution.


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