Hi David,

> I don't want to start a naming bikeshed so if it is already too late
> to consider renaming, just dismiss these comments:
No, that's still okay. Nothing is set in stone yet.
> The first thing I thought of when I read the name of the plugin is
> that it did graph rendering, like OGDF QML[0], and I was in desperate
> need for such a library a couple of months ago. I think graph is
> confusing for a couple of reasons:

> * There is already a concept of graphs associated to QML, as in QML
> Graph Scene (which is apparently the most common result I get from
> searching "QML Graph")
Never thought about that.

> * In KDE, Rocs deals with Graphs and KmPlot deals with these kinds of
> graphs. * There is a Qt Charts[1] thing that does something similar.
> So I would consider renaming this to something with plot/chart.
I like charts better and would consider renaming it to kqmlchartsplugin. The 
QML import would be 'org.kde.charts' then.

Are there any more opinions on the naming issue?

> David E. Narvaez
> [0] https://github.com/schulzch/qml-ogdf
> [1] http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/06/19/qt-charts-1-3-0-released-2/

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