> On July 27, 2014, 1:32 p.m., Thomas Lübking wrote:
> > kinit/kinit.cpp, line 118
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119497/diff/1/?file=293442#file293442line118>
> >
> >     this looks fishy, because this should be related to the Window System, 
> > not the OS (ie. if you're running X11 on Darwin)
> >     
> >     Proper check would likely be Q_WS_MAC (though ultimately Q_WS 
> > disappeared with Qt5 anyway)
> RJVB Bertin wrote:
>     A bit of a moot point given how Qt4 no longer builds for X11 (since 4.4 I 
> think) ... or is that supposed to change again with Qt5?
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     This has nothing to do with the graphicssystem (which was set default to 
> raster with 4.8) - the windowsystem is still X11
> RJVB Bertin wrote:
>     On OS X? Are you kidding me?
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     No, but I guess we're talking past each other a bit ;-)
>     So, you're actually saying Qt4 can no longer be built for a Darwin/X11 
> combination (since 4.4)?
> RJVB Bertin wrote:
>     I probably should have made explicit that I was talking about OS X, not 
> consider it obvious given the context of this RR O:-)
>     But yes, the latest qt4-X11 version in MacPorts is 4.4.3 . I've tried to 
> trick the current version into building as if under Linux, but something in 
> the build process must be too clever for that. Long story short, it appears 
> to be impossible to build Qt4 for Darwin/X11.
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     There is nothing "fishy" about this. As you say, there is no Q_WS in Qt 
> 5, only Q_OS. And Q_WS_MACX is even more archaic. This change is meant to be 
> forward compatible with Qt 5.
>     It is also meant as a hint to KDE developers to clean up the myriad 
> references to Q_WS in KDE software when preparing KF 5, if not already done.
>     Discussions of X11, Window Systems and raster graphics are irrelevant 
> here. Qt 4.8 on Mac OS X is called Qt-Mac 4.8 and it works directly with 
> Apple's Aqua, Core Graphics and COCOA library, using intermixed Objective C 
> and C++ code, thus giving Qt and KDE applications the same look and feel as 
> other apps on the Apple OS X desktop, except perhaps when a KFileDialog 
> appears - like feathers on a dog... :-) The only fly in the ointment is that 
> Qt_Mac 4.8 did NOT adopt raster graphics as standard (apparently RG was not 
> ready at the first Qt-Mac 4.8 release time). Hopefully Qt-Mac 5 will remedy 
> that.
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     > This change is meant to be forward compatible with Qt 5.
>     It's likely not.
>     You'll rather have to check for QGuiApplication::platformName() there (at 
> runtime)
>     I considered it "fishy" because it's "which item doesn't fit" and because 
> you're actually testing for the wrong item (Darwin, that's like testing for 
> Linux to use X11 features) what only works because
>     a) apparently Q_OS_MAC atm. implies Q_WS_MAC since building for X11 on 
> Darwin is claimed to fail
>     b) X11 and OSX walk together here anyway
>     However, (b) and a comment of yours on bug #337140 , I found googling on 
> the topic, actually makes me wonder whether $DISPLAY is/was only set for 
> XQuartz and has no relevance for OSX itself, thus being absent with dropping 
> XQuartz and therefore absolutely no reliable hook for socket name creation on 
> OSX?
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     "Absolutely". I agree. I have XQuartz installed on my MacBook, but I have 
> no idea whether that gives rise to $DISPLAY having a value for me or whether 
> it is supported by OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) itself. AFAIK X11 is used only by some 
> non-KDE FOSS software apps I have installed, such as Inkscape and Gimp.
>     Bear in mind that there has been an evolution of display handling in 
> successive versions of OS X and that Macports supports versions of OS X 
> earlier than Lion and up to the most recent release (Mavericks), and that 
> Qt-Mac supports them too and (in turn) MacPorts supports KDE software on all 
> of them. The Wikipedia articles on Aqua and XQuartz give some overview of 
> this evolution.
>     $DISPLAY definitely evaluates to the empty string on Mavericks, unless 
> you happen to have XQuartz installed. Marko found that on his development 
> setup for KDE CI on Apple OS X (Mavericks).
>     FWIW Frameworks' kdeinit/kinit.cpp currently has Q_OS_MACX on line 121. 
> Maybe somebody ran a script to change all Q_WS to Q_OS, but the "MACX" is not 
> in the doco for Qt5's QtGlobal. There must be hidden support for it, as there 
> is for Q_WS_MACX in Qt-Mac 4.8.

Exactly. Whatever is decided, KDE will have to consider that OS X is a Unix 
without X11, one on which $DISPLAY is indeed undefined. I don't think XQuartz 
is going anywhere in a foreseeable future but it'd be more future-proof not to 
depend on its presence at all. And I think that means everything cannot be left 
to runtime platform determination; code that invokes X11 calls will have to be 
in/excluded at compile time.

Whether or not things are done in a way that allows building for Qt/X11 
(if/whenever it becomes possible again) and/or for (Open)Darwin is a different 
question. (Darwin is the name of the underlying unixy OS, excluding all GUI 
stuff, a distinction from OS X (macx) that is clearly relevant here.)


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On July 27, 2014, 11:15 a.m., Ian Wadham wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119497/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated July 27, 2014, 11:15 a.m.)
> Review request for KDE Software on Mac OS X, KDE Runtime, kdelibs, and 
> Michael Pyne.
> Repository: kdelibs
> Description
> -------
> When a KDE app crashes in Apple OS X, it just disappears from the screen. At 
> the most, the user is invited to report the crash to Apple. AFAIK this has 
> been a problem in KDE on Apple OS X for years, leading to frustration with 
> KDE among Apple users and MacPorts developers and an attitude among KDE 
> developers of "Why does nobody report the problem(s) on bugs.kde.org?"
> It is my strong belief that the failure to report crashes of KDE apps in 
> Apple OS X also exists in Frameworks.
> So far I have identified a number of portability bugs in KDE on Apple OS X: 1 
> in KCrash, 1 in kdeinit4 and 5 in Dr Konqi. Patches for the first two are 
> submitted in this review. Patches for three more are submitted in part 2 of 
> this review, against kde-runtime. I am still investigating the other two 
> problems in Dr Konqi - and there could be more than two...
> In this review we have two portability problems:
> 1. KCrash itself crashes (SIGILL) when it tries to close all file descriptors 
> and so Dr Konqi is not started. Some of the FDs belong to the Apple OS X 
> library (COCOA) and it crashes if they are closed prematurely.
> 2. The preferred way to start Dr K is via a socket message to kdeinit4, but 
> that fails in Apple OS X because kdeinit4 is listening with the wrong socket 
> name. The DISPLAY ID is missing from the end of the name. The fallback is for 
> KCrash to use fork() and exec(), which works, but could cause Dr K to be 
> polluted, depending on the nature of the crash.
> This "deafness" of kdeinit4 (and klauncher) could be causing other failures 
> in KDE software in the Apple OS X environment.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kdeui/util/kcrash.cpp 45eb46b 
>   kinit/kinit.cpp e41845a 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119497/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Using Apple OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) on a MacBook Pro, I have installed KDE libs 
> via MacPorts (at version 4.12.5) and I have adapted kdesrc-build to run in an 
> Apple OS X environment and used it to test against the KDE 4.13 branch.  I 
> have been testing with a KDE app that I can crash at will and using stderr 
> and Apple OS X Console log output to determine the outcome.
> Please note that I am the -only- KDE developer who has this kind of setup, 
> but I am NOT a KDE core developer. My experience before now has been in KDE 
> Games. However I used to be a UNIX and database guru before I retired in 1998.
> I NEED HELP from KDE -core- developers to proceed further. These problems 
> also exist in FRAMEWORKS, but I am as yet unable to build or test Frameworks 
> on Apple OS X. And I am sure there are many more Apple OS X portability 
> problems in KDE software.
> Without my patches, Dr Konqi is not started and, if it does get past its own 
> crash, KCrash reports:
> KCrash: Attempting to start 
> /kdedev/kde4.13/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi.app/Contents/MacOS/drkonqi from 
> kdeinit
> sock_file=/kdedev/kde4.13/home/.kde4.13/socket-Tara.local/kdeinit4__tmp_launch-svPd0L_org.x_0
> Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
> With my patches, Dr Konqi can always be started directly (using fork()) and 
> it -will- start via kdeinit4 and klauncher but it immediately runs into a 
> privilege problem with Apple OS X (a problem which I am still investigating).
> I would not have got this far without help from Michael Pyne, Thomas Lübking 
> and several of the MacPorts developers, as well as the unfailing enthusiasm 
> and encouragement of my friend Marko Käning.
> Thanks,
> Ian Wadham

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