On Monday, 15 September 2014 16:49:39 CEST, Milian Wolff wrote:
Where do I see the diff there?

For me, it's easiest to just click on any file name. That will open a diff view (either side-by-side or a unidiff one, based on your prefs). The diff shows just a single file, but you can use "[" and "]" for switching to next/previous one. Use "?" for help. "u" goes back to the change screen.

In the gerrit that runs on qt-project, I can easily click one button to go to a unified or side-by-side diff view. Is that a custom extension?

What the qt-project.org has implemented as a custom extension is support for showing multiple files at once on a single page. That's what the upstream Gerrit doesn't support yet (there are open patches pending review and/or future work, though).

Generally, it seems as if the qt-project gerrit has a much cleaner GUI. I'm pretty lost when looking at the one up there...

To make matter more interesting, Gerrit the upstream has switched to a "new change UI" a couple releases ago, and it's a default view on KDE's Gerrit. While you can still activate the old change screen in your per-user settings, I would recommend against it as upstream is pretty open about their plans to remove the old change screen in a future release.

I understand how someone who is used to working with Qt's Gerrit (and who invested time into learning its quirks) might find the new change screen unintuitive. However, it was pretty easy to unlearn the old habits for me, to get used to a new location of various buttons, and now I can manage with the new one just fine. I eve nlike it more than the old view.

Since Gerrit has a full-blown API for basically every feature, what about a GSoC project for making, say, a KDevelop plugin for making code reviews? With per-selection-range commenting, review browsing and what not?

Hope this helps,

Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP e-mail client -- http://trojita.flaska.net/

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