> On Oct. 5, 2014, 9:43 a.m., Ben Cooksley wrote:
> > As this is needed to restore the functionality of Dr Konqi, can someone 
> > familiar with the codebase please review it so we can get this in?
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     Perhaps I am the person most familiar with the codebase of Dr Konqi, 
> having worked on it for a few months now.
>     So, if nobody else steps forward within the next 24 hours, I will do my 
> own "Ship It" and commit to KDE 4 kde-runtime master in time for Thursday's 
> close of the KDE 4.14.2 bugfix release.
>     If KDE core developers want the Dr Konqi bugs fixed in KF5, they will 
> have to forward-port this change and my earlier changes themselves. I cannot 
> do that. I work on Apple OS X and we do not have KF5 and Qt 5 building there 
> yet.
>     I do not propose to address Thomas's comments. I have more important 
> things to do.
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     With my release team hat:
>      - Sure commit to master if you can't find someone else to review and you 
> *know* your code is right and you're going to fix it when/if it break
>      - No, don't commit to KDE/4.14 this is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge change and I 
> don't feel like it is guaranteed to go in, you can be a good guy and review 
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376/ since it seems that one fixes the 
> immediate problems people are having, no? (you say you're the one that knows 
> the code more yet have not reviewed it, why?)
>      - Your obsession to not contribute to KF5 based versions will byte you 
> again when you decide to move to KF5, you should really rethink it. Because  
> we do have KF5 and Qt5 building on MacOsX according to at least one of the 
> members of the MacOSX team, no?
> Marko Käning wrote:
>     I wouldn not phrase it an "obsession to not to contribute to KF5". ;)
>     In fact, it has been pointed out multiple times on KDE-MAC, in pm as well 
> as in various RRs, that the "MacOSX team" at the moment mainly tries to get 
> KDE4 into a working state, which is why Ian wants to push this forward.
>     And yes, we have KF5 on Qt5 in a state where my OSX/CI(/Jenkins) systems 
> are able to build and install many projects successfully.
>     BUT, unfortunately, this does NOT mean that I am able to RUN every of 
> these apps successfully, as the OSX/CI system's specifics (being that all 
> frameworks, libs and apps live in their own install roots) in conjunction 
> with a (still missing) working QStandardPaths patch lead to the problem that 
> most of the apps can't find their config and data files at runtime at this 
> point in time. :(
>     As I am *alone* on KF5, I haven't managed to proceed with the 
> QStandardPaths issue, since many other things kept me far too busy (like the 
> inclusion of new projects on OSX/CI, dealing with Jenkins master [also for 
> Linux], tending project dependencies, creating a KDE4.13 branch on our 
> macports-kde git repo, testing KDE4 applications, etc...).
>     Eventually I conclude herewith that the "MacOSX team":
>     - does contribute directly to Qt5/KF5 big time - althought it is only me 
> ATM,
>     - does indirectly contribute to Qt5/KF5, as many RRs can be modified 
> easily for inclusion into KF5, as it has happened already for e.g. 
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119847/ and 
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119848/ 
>     - believes that 1st priority should be to get KDE4 in good shape on OSX, 
> which is why Nicolas wants to release KDE 4.13.3 this week and will proceed 
> with 4.14.x right afterwards,
>     - needs decent user feedback with valuable backtraces which is why a 
> non-dysfunctional DrKonqi is required on all OSX versions, hence this RR.
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     Screw OSX ;-)
>     Afaiu DrKonqui is dysfunctional due to bugzilla server changes atm. (bug 
> #337742) what means either this or review 
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376/ more or less *has* to go into KDE 
> SC4 - regardless on whether it's required for exotic OS' or not.
>     @Ian, please attach Jekyll Wu, George Kiagiadakis, Matthias Fuchs and 
> Dario Andres Rodriguez, they've been the main submitters to bugzillalib.
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     Feel free to cancel anything I may commit, Albert, but you could be doing 
> both yourself and KDE software (4 and 5) a disservice. Bug 
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337742 will remain...
>     I only said "perhaps" in my statement about the codebase, hoping someone 
> more knowledgeable would step up.
>     If you will read the Description of this review (Note 2) and the dialog 
> in https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376/ you will find that I have 
> already had some input to the other review and given it some thought.
>     Last week I was expecting a core developer who knows Dr Konqi to review 
> both patches, but nobody did. This week I have a course to prepare, for 
> presentation tomorrow, so I have no time, and KDE 4.14.2 closes on Thursday. 
> I do not even know whether Frédéric has commit privileges.
>     One swallow does not make a summer. Only Marko Kaening can build KF5 and 
> Qt5, on his personal setup, and he is having great difficulties getting 
> applications to run - even such a simple one as Bovo. There is also a 
> technical difficulty on MacPorts in providing Qt4 and Qt5 libraries 
> simultaneously. The MacPorts Qt port developer is working on it. It seems 
> that KF5 and Qt5 will not be generally available on Apple OS X for several 
> weeks or months. We are currently concentrating on getting a reliable release 
> of KDE 4.13 into production on MacPorts...
>     Re my attitude to KF5. I have offered the current patch to anyone who 
> wants to take it into KF5. As you know, I am very old and have already spent 
> 10 or more years as a KDE developer. I decided, early this year, to retire 
> from KDE development. KF5 was the clincher. I have no desire to engage in any 
> more library-induced "porting" of applications. I consider it boring, 
> counter-productive and quite contrary to my personal and professional 
> philosophy, which is to make library and operating environment changes as 
> inconspicuous as possible to application writers and end-users, thus 
> maximizing *their* productivity.
>     I say this with my (pre-retirement) core-developer, system architect and 
> release-team hat on.
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     @Thomas, I could only get Dario Andres and Jekyll Wu in the space allowed 
> by ReviewBoard. Too bad.
>     Glad you are starting to see things my way, except for the comment about 
> OSX... :-) I really am finding some serious problems in KDE 4's core code, 
> mostly affecting OSX only, but some reaching out into KDE4/Linux&Windows or 
> even KF5... :-(
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     > Feel free to cancel anything I may commit, Albert, but you could be 
> doing both yourself and KDE software (4 and 5) a disservice. Bug 
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337742 will remain...
>     I thought you said that the other patch would fix the immediate issue? If 
> so that other patch which is much simpler is what should go to the stable 
> branches, no?
>     > I only said "perhaps" in my statement about the codebase, hoping 
> someone more knowledgeable would step up.
>     Ok :/
>     > If you will read the Description of this review (Note 2) and the dialog 
> in https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376/ you will find that I have 
> already had some input to the other review and given it some thought.
>     Sorry for complaining you had not commented when you actually had :/ 
> Totally my fault :(
>     > Last week I was expecting a core developer who knows Dr Konqi to review 
> both patches, but nobody did. This week I have a course to prepare, for 
> presentation tomorrow, so I have no time, and KDE 4.14.2 closes on Thursday. 
> I do not even know whether Frédéric has commit privileges.
>     I'll ask again because I may not be understanding the whole picture. Does 
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376 fix the immediate issue people is 
> seeing? If it does in my opinion that is what should go to 4.14, your more 
> future-proof solution but also more complex and thus prone to introduce new 
> issues should go to master for release December.
>     > One swallow does not make a summer. Only Marko Kaening can build KF5 
> and Qt5, on his personal setup, and he is having great difficulties getting 
> applications to run - even such a simple one as Bovo. There is also a 
> technical difficulty on MacPorts in providing Qt4 and Qt5 libraries 
> simultaneously. The MacPorts Qt port developer is working on it. It seems 
> that KF5 and Qt5 will not be generally available on Apple OS X for several 
> weeks or months. We are currently concentrating on getting a reliable release 
> of KDE 4.13 into production on MacPorts...
>     Ok, I may have misunderstood how good was the state of KF5 on Mac.
>     > @Thomas, I could only get Dario Andres and Jekyll Wu in the space 
> allowed by ReviewBoard. Too bad.
>     I added the other two people in there for you.
>     > Glad you are starting to see things my way, except for the comment 
> about OSX... :-) I really am finding some serious problems in KDE 4's core 
> code, mostly affecting OSX only, but some reaching out into 
> KDE4/Linux&Windows or even KF5... :-(
>     I am not sure what is "your way" here, can you please ellaborate?
> Ian Wadham wrote:
>     @Albert: It would be a help if I could know how to do that point-by-point 
> commenting with sidebars email-style. I can find nothing about it in RB 
> Markdown Reference...
>     Re https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376: the patch looks good to me, 
> but I have not downloaded it and tested it myself and would want to do that 
> before "shipping" and committing it. I am not convinced that "token" is OK as 
> a parameter name in some places, as opposed to "Bugzilla_token". The Bugzilla 
> doco seems to say the latter, but it is a bit vague in places... Also that 
> patch would conflict with mine. So a bit of footsying around with git 
> (locally) might be needed. I do not think I will have time tomorrow 
> (Wednesday my time: Tues UTC 20:00 to Wed UTC 07:00), so maybe Thursday. This 
> where being 11 hours ahead of UTC can be an advantage... ;-)
>     Re introducing new issues, I have centralised the main changes precisely 
> to avoid that. Of course, that has involved relocating a fair few snippets of 
> code, which raises the line-count of the patch-file. The main addition to the 
> code is quite large, but not very complex compared to some things in 
> KGoldrunner or Palapeli.. :-)
>     Would I have to commit to both master and KDE/4.14 branch? I have lost 
> track of how you are doing KDE 4 releases now. The fix will be in the 
> kde-runtime repo.
>     Thanks for adding the people.
>     Re "my way": I hope Thomas will know what I mean. He has seen that there 
> is a rather bad bug to be fixed here. That is what I was commenting on. I 
> guess it gets down to form vs. function, style vs. substance and perception 
> vs. reality. I am a firm believer in the second of the two alternatives in 
> each of the three cases.
> Albert Astals Cid wrote:
>     > @Albert: It would be a help if I could know how to do that 
> point-by-point commenting with sidebars email-style. I can find nothing about 
> it in RB Markdown Reference...
>     You can use > to mark for the quoted thing, then leave an empty line and 
> answer there, you'll see the quoted line gets blueish
>     > Re introducing new issues, I have centralised the main changes 
> precisely to avoid that. Of course, that has involved relocating a fair few 
> snippets of code, which raises the line-count of the patch-file. The main 
> addition to the code is quite large, but not very complex compared to some 
> things in KGoldrunner or Palapeli.. :-)
>     Still more complex than the other patch, nobody is questioning your 
> hability as a developer, i'm just saying that it is obvious that the more 
> code you add the easier is to have new bugs, the other patch is much simpler 
> and thus much less prone to have bugs.
>     > Would I have to commit to both master and KDE/4.14 branch? I have lost 
> track of how you are doing KDE 4 releases now. The fix will be in the 
> kde-runtime repo.
>     If you want it in the 4.14 release it has to be in the KDE/4.14 branch, 
> and then you *merge* to master, not commit.

quoth Ian:
> make library and operating environment changes as inconspicuous as possible 
> to application writers and end-users, thus maximising their productivity.

Amen to that ...

quoth Thomas:
> either this or review https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376/ more or less 
> has to go into KDE SC4

Yes. I very firmly believe that KDE SC4 ought to see maintenance backed by at 
least some "KDE core developers" until all major Linux distributions have moved 
to KF5 (and I'd include Debian/Stable in the lot ...). We'll see by then what 
us "backwards OS X users" need in terms of legacy code maintenance.

Quoth ALbert:
> If you want it in the 4.14 release it has to be in the KDE/4.14 branch, and 
> then you merge to master, not commit.

How general should we take this statement? I've committed a few things of my 
own recently, should I check myself whether this needs merging into master, and 
more importantly, what are the responsabilities for merging into a branch that 
one cannot build?

- René J.V.

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On Oct. 7, 2014, 9:42 a.m., Ian Wadham wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120431/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Oct. 7, 2014, 9:42 a.m.)
> Review request for KDE Software on Mac OS X, KDE Runtime, Ben Cooksley, Darío 
> Andrés Rodríguez, George Kiagiadakis, Jekyll Wu, and Matthias Fuchs.
> Bugs: 337742
>     http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337742
> Repository: kde-runtime
> Description
> -------
> When bugs.kde.org changed over to Bugzilla 4.4.5 in July 2014, the security 
> method used by Bugzilla changed from cookies to tokens that had to be 
> supplied as parameters with every secure remote-procedure call. Further 
> changes to security methods have been announced by Bugzilla and are 
> documented for unstable 4.5.x versions of Bugzilla software. Tokens will be 
> deprecated and then discontinued. When this happens, Dr Konqi will need to 
> supply a user-login name and a password with every secure remote-procedure 
> call. Furthermore, the traditional "User.login" call presently used by Dr 
> Konqi will be deprecated and discontinued.
> This patch fixes the tokens problem, which has given rise to several bug 
> reports https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337742 and duplicates. It also 
> provides for automatic switching to passwords-only security as and when the 
> Bugzilla version changes again. This uses
> a general data-driven approach which can be easily updated, ahead of time, 
> next time Bugzilla announces a change that affects Dr Konqi, whether it be in 
> security methods or some other feature.
> 1. This patch is intended to be forward-portable to Frameworks/KF5, but I 
> work on Apple OS X, where it is not yet possible to run Frameworks/KF5 and do 
> the porting and testing. So could someone else please do it?
> 2. Another Review Request https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120376/ addresses 
> the tokens issue only, but it should be reviewed and shipped as a matter of 
> urgency, both in KDE 4 and Frameworks, the next bug-fixing release for KDE 
> 4.14 being due for tagging on Thursday, 9 October. That will leave more time 
> for this review (120431) of my more long-term and more general patch.
> 3. The passwords-only part of my patch is currently storing the password in 
> clear. Suggestions re encryption are welcomed --- or the code could be 
> changed to make use of KWalletD mandatory (but that might not be fully 
> portable to all platforms).
> 4. When the Bugzilla call "User.login" is discontinued, some re-sequencing of 
> the flow of KAssistantDialog pages will be needed. I have not attempted to do 
> that at this stage. Probably the entry of the user name and password should 
> be delayed until the report has been accepted by the Dr Konqi logic and it is 
> just about to be sent to bugs.kde.org or attached to an existing bug report.
> http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/
> http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/tip/en/html/api/Bugzilla/WebService.html#LOGGING_IN
>  Bugzilla 4.5.x (future) API doco re security
> http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.4/en/html/api/Bugzilla/WebService.html#LOGGING_IN
>  Bugzilla 4.4.5 (current) API doco re security
> http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/tip/en/html/api/Bugzilla/WebService/User.html#login
>  User.login will be DEPRECATED in 4.5.x
> Diffs
> -----
>   drkonqi/bugzillalib.h 570169b 
>   drkonqi/bugzillalib.cpp f74753c 
>   drkonqi/reportassistantpages_bugzilla.h b7af5b8 
>   drkonqi/reportassistantpages_bugzilla.cpp 22183f0 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/120431/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Used the bugstest.kde.org database and KDE 4 master on KDE/kde-runtime 
> repository.
> Tested a range of version numbers (see commented-out test data) against a 
> range of 5 or 6 hypothetical and real Bugzilla versions at which things could 
> or will change. This was to test the basic version-checking and 
> feature-choosing algorithm.
> Tested submitting both full reports and attached reports, using both the 
> token method and the passwords-only method.
> Also tested with KWalletD supplying the username and password on Dr Konqi's 
> login dialog.
> Thanks,
> Ian Wadham

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