> On nov. 16, 2014, 2:58 p.m., Milian Wolff wrote:
> > as I said before: Did you check whether that is actually the case? Did you 
> > add some assertions to see what other thread is calling this code?
> > 
> > I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be threadsafe or not. If it must 
> > be threadsafe, you'll also need to make s_allowQuit threadsafe 
> > (QAtomicBool).
> René J.V. Bertin wrote:
>     I have indeed looked at this aspect, but not exhaustively and haven't 
> found evidence of cross-thread reference counting. Yet.
>     It's unclear what you mean with "that" (the thing actually the case). It 
> "that" refers to the quitting issue, I can of course never prove that it is 
> due to a reference counting race condition because the issue isn't 
> reproducible reliably. I can only invalidate the idea that it is due to such 
> a race condition, whenever it happens again with properly protected reference 
> counting.
>     I think we have to leave it up to the kdelibs maintainers/authors to 
> decide whether or not this has to be thread safe. The doxygen documentation 
> for KJob does not mention anything about thread safety. It does however note 
> that *KJob and its subclasses is meant to be used in a fire-and-forget way. 
> It's deleting itself when it has finished using deleteLater() so the job 
> instance disappears after the next event loop run.* . It is not said that a 
> KJob cannot use a KJob itself, which could lead to concurrent reference 
> (de)counting, nor whether a KJob instance is guaranteed to be deleted in the 
> same thread it was created, and I think that a *concurrent processing* class 
> that does not explicitly mention it does thread unsafe things can be assumed 
> to be thread safe.
>     There's no QAtomicBool, btw.
> Milian Wolff wrote:
>     As I told you before in other patches you send in: Please make sure you 
> find the actual reason before changing other code in the hope of it improving 
> things. If there is no hard evidence that your bug manifests itself because 
> of a race in KGlobal::ref/deref, then don't change it. Adding an assertion to 
> the code that its only accessed from the mainthread is done easily and should 
> be hit reliably (contrary to a race condition or lock contention that Thomas 
> proposes).
>     And also note that a KJob is not neccessarily implemented using threads. 
> You can also use e.g. QIODevice or external processes internally to get the 
> desired behavior.
> René J.V. Bertin wrote:
>     KJobs not using threads to implement concurrency will not cause race 
> conditions in the reference counting; either they are in separate processes 
> or they live in the same thread.
>     Let me repeat once more what I also wrote in reply to Thomas below: a 
> feature (like reference counting) of a framework that is frequently used in 
> multithreaded applications can be expected to be thread safe. That's why my 
> original description states that I consider the fact that it isn't an 
> important bug regardless of whether it's the cause of my issue. Regrettably I 
> am a scientist trained to give background anytime I propose something, I keep 
> forgetting that there are contexts where that actually turns out 
> counterproductive :(
>     You suggest to use an assert or other detection of doing reference 
> counting off the main thread, and doing so imply that reference counting 
> should apparently happen only on that thread. There is no evidence that that 
> is any more valid an assumption than that it should be thread safe. But I can 
> do it ... only it won't tell us if multiple threads try to access the counter 
> at the same time.
>     NB: my initial proposition used about the cheapest way to get interlocked 
> counting I could think of, to introduce as little side-effects as possible 
> for applications that are not concerned by possible race conditions. I don't 
> believe there can be any other side-effect than additional cycles (though by 
> using QAtomicInt we have to assume that it is implemented correctly).
> René J.V. Bertin wrote:
>     A little extract, seconds after relaunching KDevelop with 
>     ```C++
>     void KGlobal::ref()
>     {
>         s_refCount.fetchAndAddOrdered(1);
>         if ( QThread::currentThread() != qApp->thread() ) {
>             qWarning() << "KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread" << 
> kBacktrace();
>         }
>         //kDebug() << "KGlobal::ref() : refCount = " << int(s_refCount);
>     }
>     void KGlobal::deref()
>     {
>         int prevRefCount = s_refCount.fetchAndAddOrdered(-1);
>         if ( QThread::currentThread() != qApp->thread() ) {
>             qWarning() << "KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread" << 
> kBacktrace();
>         }
>         //kDebug() << "KGlobal::deref() : refCount = " << int(s_refCount);
>         if (prevRefCount <= 1 && int(s_allowQuit)) {
>             QCoreApplication::instance()->quit();
>         }
>     }
>     ```
>     ```
>     kdevelop(68673)/kdevelop (cpp support) 
> Cpp::instantiateDeclarationAndContext: Resolved bad base-class 
> "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCount< T >" "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCount< 
> T >" 
>     kdevelop(68673)/kdevelop (cpp support) 
> Cpp::instantiateDeclarationAndContext: Resolved bad base-class 
> "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCount< T >" "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCount< 
> T >" 
>     kdevelop(68673)/kdevelop (cpp support) 
> Cpp::instantiateDeclarationAndContext: Resolved bad base-class 
> "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCount< T >" "QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCount< 
> T >" 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     kdevelop(68673)/kdevelop (cpp support) 
> Cpp::instantiateDeclarationAndContext: Resolved bad base-class "_List_base< 
> _Tp, _Alloc >" "_List_base< _Tp, _Alloc >" 
>     kdevelop(68673)/kdevelop (cpp support) 
> Cpp::instantiateDeclarationAndContext: Resolved bad base-class "QVector< T >" 
> "QVector< T >" 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref() called off the main thread "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000ba123 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100d89 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 169
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e49f1 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000012f85f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     ```
> René J.V. Bertin wrote:
>     A bit more detail:
>     ```C++
>     void KGlobal::ref()
>     {
>         s_refCount.fetchAndAddOrdered(1);
>         if ( QThread::currentThread() != qApp->thread() ) {
>             qWarning() << "KGlobal::ref()=" << int(s_refCount) << "called 
> from background thread" << QThread::currentThread() << "\n" << kBacktrace();
>         }
>         //kDebug() << "KGlobal::ref() : refCount = " << int(s_refCount);
>     }
>     void KGlobal::deref()
>     {
>         int prevRefCount = s_refCount.fetchAndAddOrdered(-1);
>         if ( QThread::currentThread() != qApp->thread() ) {
>             qWarning() << "KGlobal::deref()=" << int(s_refCount) << "called 
> from background thread" << QThread::currentThread() << "\n" << kBacktrace();
>         }
>         //kDebug() << "KGlobal::deref() : refCount = " << int(s_refCount);
>         if (prevRefCount <= 1 && int(s_allowQuit)) {
>             QCoreApplication::instance()->quit();
>         }
>     }
>     ```
>     ```
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 20 called from background thread QThread(0x121a40e30, 
> name = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 21 called from background thread QThread(0x121a40e30, 
> name = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 9 called from background thread QThread(0x13ebfb7b0, name 
> = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 10 called from background thread QThread(0x11c1b3660, 
> name = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     ```
>     ...
>     ```
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 269 called from background thread QThread(0x11c1b3660, 
> name = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 270 called from background thread QThread(0x11c1b3660, 
> name = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 271 called from background thread QThread(0x13ebfb7b0, 
> name = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     KGlobal::ref()= 273 called from background thread QThread(0x13ebfb7b0, 
> name = "Thread (pooled)") 
>      "[
>     0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000b9f83 
> _Z14kRealBacktracei + 67
>     1: 1   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x0000000100100c4b 
> _ZN7KGlobal3refEv + 267
>     2: 2   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x00000001000e4851 
> _ZN4KJobC2EP7QObject + 65
>     3: 3   kdevcmakemanager.so                 0x000000013015f3af 
> _ZN21CMakeCommitChangesJobC1ERKN8KDevelop4PathEP12CMakeManagerPNS0_8IProjectE 
> + 31
>     ]
>     " 
>     ```
>     (pity so few people set thread names, or use setObjectName...)
>     I'd say we have at least 2 threads running a cmake manager, and each 
> thread *increase* the refcounter repeatedly (and in rather fast succession), 
> but for now I haven't found a single `deref` that's not done off the main 
> thread. Yet it has been called as can be seen above.
>     Seems there's nothing in this scenario preventing a background thread to 
> `ref()` while the main thread tries to `deref`.
>     I'll leave it to one of you guys to try this under Linux where the 
> backtrace will maybe contain a bit more useful information.
> Milian Wolff wrote:
>     Great! That information alone is good evidence that the status quo is 
> broken. A ref might clash with a deref in another thread and lead to 
> undefined behavior, such as the condition reading <= 1 becoming true leading 
> to the shutdown.
>     Looking more at the code, I agree that KGlobal::ref/deref should become 
> threadsafe. So if you cleanup your patch (i.e. remove the qWarning), I'm all 
> for pushing this in.
> René J.V. Bertin wrote:
>     Whew ... good thing I'm a stubborn bastard :)
>     Just to complete the report: my test session has now finished importing 
> and parsing a total of 5 projects, and to be exhaustive I requested a reload 
> of one of them. Not a single deref was done off the main thread.
>     Albert just emailed me that this ref counting mechanism is in place since 
> 2006 . Surprises me a bit. True, multi-processor machines weren't that common 
> by then (though I got my first in 2005, a G5 Powermac) and I guess that the 
> race condition is unlikely to occur when you do multithreading on a single 
> CPU core. But that situation has changed (and I've seen "my issue" occur even 
> on a dual-core netbook :)).
>     I'll clean out the code (again :)), update the diff, and then wait a bit 
> for others to react before pushing it in.
> Milian Wolff wrote:
>     You keep forgetting/confusing different things. You can use multiple 
> cores / threads in an application just fine without ever noticing the issue 
> at hand. It only manifests when you actually use KGlobal::(de)ref from 
> different threads. Something that apparently noone ever did - besides 
> KDevelop which constructs KJob's in a background thread.

Thus maybe what needs to happen is fix KDevelop?

- Albert

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On nov. 16, 2014, 7:19 p.m., René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/121134/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated nov. 16, 2014, 7:19 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Software on Mac OS X and kdelibs.
> Repository: kdelibs
> Description
> -------
> I have been experiencing unexpected exits from KDevelop that were not due to 
> any kind of error in the KDevelop code; it was as if someone told the 
> application to exit normally. This happens mostly on OS X, but also sometimes 
> on Linux.
> I finally traced this to `KGlobal::deref` reaching a zero reference count and 
> invoking `QCoreApplication::quit` when called from one of KDevelop's KJob 
> dtors. There does not appear to be a reference counting mismatch in the code, 
> so the issue might be due to a race condition in KGlobal::ref/deref.
> This patch introduces thread-safety to KGlobal's reference counting by 
> turning the simple global `static int s_refCount` into a `static QAtomicInt 
> s_refCount`. I consider this an important bug fix regardless of whether it 
> corrects the issue I have with KDevelop.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kdecore/kernel/kglobal.cpp cf003a4 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/121134/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> On OS X 10.6.8 only for now.
> NB: Qt itself uses the QAtomicInt's parent class (QBasicAtomicInt) for its 
> own reference counter used for implicit sharing. This is thus well-tested 
> code that is unlikely to introduce regressions to a core KDE feature.
> Thanks,
> René J.V. Bertin

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