Am Donnerstag, 20. November 2014, 20:05:19 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> On Thursday, November 20, 2014 19:57:54 Burkhard Lück wrote:
> > > 2.2 is easier (if possible to change the code in 1 to do it) since it
> > > does
> > > not  involve writing back strings to the json file.
> > 
> > In kf5 using "LANGUAGE=foo kate" or LANGUAGE=foo kdevelop" (both projects
> > do  not install desktop files but use json files generated at build time
> > from desktop files)  I see the name/description (from the json files) of
> > plugins in the settings dialog translated in language "foo".
> > 
> > So apparently in kf5 using json files with translated Name/Description as
> > provided by Kevin's example kdevpatchreview.json I get the proper
> > translations  in the GUI.
> > Please check that, you do not need to have language "foo" installed, just
> > launch kate or kdevelop using x-test/uk/de/fr... as value for "foo".
> > 
> > If that works we could treat json and desktop files in the same way from
> > devel/translators pov, because what is the difference between desktop and
> > json  files?
> > Name and format, nothing else.
> The json embedded in plugins is created using the desktoptojson tool. This
> tool runs at build time, it converts a .desktop file (including its
> translations) to a .json file, which is then embedded into the plugin
> binary. This tool has only limited understanding of list properties (this
> limitation is what Milian's problem triggering this thread is about). An
> idea is to not do a conversion, but rather add a json file to the
> repository, which can directly be included. Since translations are done in
> the .desktop file, the json file would not be translated. This is the root
> of the problem.
Please launch "LANGUAGE=nl kdevelop" or "LANGUAGE=nl kate" in Konsole. 
Do you have translated Names/Description in the settings dialog page Plugins?

Burkhard Lück

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