On Friday, 19 December 2014 22:16:36 CEST, Scarlett Clark wrote:
Jenkins is compatible and works with Gerrit, so I don't understand why another CI is being considered.

Because when I started this effort this spring, build.kde.org appeared to be on life support. I also wanted to expand the number of tools I understand, and make sure that I can evaluate various CI tools without a baggage of having to stick with a particular CI solution "just because we've always done it that way". That's why I started looking at various tools, and the whole stack which the OpenStack infrastructure team have built [1] looked extremely compelling (note: they still use Jenkins).

The killer feature for me was their support for testing everything, where each and every commit that is going to land in a repository is checked to make sure it doesn't introduce any regressions. Not on a per-push basis, but on a per-commit basis. This is something which has bitten me in the past where I occasionally introduced commit series which contained occasional breakage in the middle, only to be corrected in a subsequent commit. That was bad because it breaks `git bisect` when one starts looking for errors discovered in future, by unrelated testing.

At the same time, doing per-commit tests means that these tests have to run in parallel, and that there must be $something which controls this execution. This is well-described at [2], so I would encourage you to read this so that you understand what the extra functionality is. To the best of my knowledge, Jenkins cannot do that. Based on your level of experience with Jenkins, do you think it's possible with it alone? Would that also possible on a cross-repository manner?

Now that we've established a necessity to use something extra to control this logic of job executions, we still have some use for Jenkins of course. Something has to serve as an RPC tool for actually scheduling the build jobs on various servers/VMs/workers/chroots/dockers/whatever. The question is whether it still makes sense to use Jenkins at that point given that the nice features, such as being able to track the history of the number of failing tests, having pretty dashboard pointing to faulty commits etc etc on one hand and having to create a ton of XML files with build job definitions on the other hand. Does Jenkins still provide a net positive gain?

The system which I was building had no need for drawing graphs of compiler warnings per project throughout past two months. What I wanted to have was an efficient system which will report back to the rest of the CI infrastructure the result of a build of a proposed change to help keep a project's quality up to a defined level. The only use of Jenkins in that system would be for remotely triggering build jobs, and somehow pushing the results back. I do not think that going through all of the Jenkins complexity is worth the effort in that particular use case.

BTW, the way in which KDE uses Jenkins right now does not really make use of many Jenkins functions. The script which prepares the git tree is custom. The management of build artifacts is reimplemented by hand as well. In fact, most of the complexity is within the Python scripts which control the installation of dependencies, mapping of config options into cmake arguments etc. These are totally Jenkins-agnostic, and would work just as well if run by hand. That's why I'm using them in the CI setup I deployed. Thanks for keeping these scripts alive.

So in the end, I had a choice of either using Jenkins only to act as a dumb transport of commands like "build KIO's master branch" and responses such as "build is OK", or bypassing Jenkins entirely and using $other_system. If the configuration of the $other_system is easier than Jenkins', then it seemed to be a good idea to try it out. Because I was already using Zuul (see the requirement for doing "trunk gating" and speculative execution of the dependant jobs as described in [2]), and Zuul uses Gearman for its RPC/IPC/messagebus needs, something which just plugs into Gearman made a lot of sense. And it turned out that there is such a project, the Turbo-Hipster thing. I gave it a try. I had to fix a couple of bugs and add some features (SCPing the build logs, for one), and I'm quite happy with the result.

But please keep in mind that this is just about how to launch the build jobs. TH's involvement with the way how an actual build is performed is limited to a trivial shell script [3]. And by the way, the OpenStack's CI which inspired me to do this is still using Jenkins for most of its build execution needs.

Anyway, as I'm following these discussions, I think you don't really have many reasons to start being afraid that even that part of your work which is 100% Jenkins-specific would come to no use. There appears to be a huge inertia for sticking with whatever we're using right now Just Because™, even if all technical problems are/were solved. This effort started ages ago with an "I would like to have multiplatform, early CI for Trojita", and now we're discussing "replacing the project management tool within KDE". I'm being told requirements such as "it would be cool to have a single tool doing everything" or "the CI has to support Mercurial and SVN". Other people feel threatened by my work, and yet other people believe that having alternatives is a bad thing.

See, I'm happy that I can now finally use tools which make my work on my pet project reasonably efficient. I also think that it's cool to offer these tools to other people within KDE. Based on face-to-face discussion during Akademy, people who were present appeared to be interested, so I did the work on this. I fully integrated this stack with the rest of the KDE's infrastructure, and make sure that all KDE projects can use these tools if they want to. The technical solution is now ready, and it's up to the project maintainers to decide whether they want it or not. If they want to stick with what they have, more power to them. If they want to wait an unspecified amount of time until a general decision is reached, more power to them, too. If they want to switch now, more power to them as well.

It would be great to have alignment and for all of us to use the same tool. However, I seriously doubt that an alignment can be reached without either inducing emotional stress on a subset of our community or compromising efficiency of another subset. Is either of that a price that we want to pay? I suppose we might know after a long discussion.

The system which is now made available through Gerrit is suitable for projects that want to make sure the quality of their code is and remains excellent, who consider a failing test a serious problem which must be fixed, whose approach to compilers telling them "hey, there's a problem with your code" is either "doh, you're right, let's fix it" or "nah, you're wrong, let's silence this warning forever, so that we can cut the noise down", and who are happy to let a CI system veto their commits if they introduce detectable breakage. It might not be a good fit for people who *insist* that the only way of working is to push-to-master-as-you-go-without-even-a-build-test-because-you-dont-make-mistakes, and that no flaky tests can be fixed and are a neccessity of SW development. Maybe it will need some reasonably well-contained additions to support their use cases. Also, not every project which subscribes to these quality values must use Gerrit, of course.

That system is ready to be used now. I promised I won't be pushing this to people who don't care, and I intend to keep that promise. If you're a project maintainer and you would like your project in Gerrit, you have my support. If, however, you would like to revamp the review/CI/... platform used throughout KDE as a whole, well, more power to you as well. I'll be happy to help, but at this point I cannot imagine myself being a driving force behind this. I expect my role to be limited to correcting factual mistakes in Gerrit/Zuul descriptions from now on and helping iron out possible problems with this setup. I, too, put quite long hours into making KDE's CI better and I've so far felt substantial hostility by daring to propose an alternative to How Stuff Has Always Been Done.

With kind regards,

[1] http://ci.openstack.org/
[2] http://ci.openstack.org/zuul/gating.html
[3] http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=sysadmin%2Fgerrit-project-config.git&a=blob&f=scripts%2Fbuild-kf5qt5.sh

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