El Dimecres, 24 de desembre de 2014, a les 00:04:22, Ben Cooksley va escriure:
> Hi all,
> As the other thread has gotten a bit congested with various threads, I
> thought I would split up the topics to make things a bit easier to
> manage.
> The first seems the least contentious: allowing all developers to
> delete branches on our mainline repositories, except for certain
> protected branches (like "master" and "KDE/*" for instance).

I'd add Applications/* and Plasma/* to this.

> Any suggestions or variations on this?

Is the option that someone mentioned of "I can remove only the branches that 
are myusername/*"? 


> Note: the protected branches really do need to be universal across all
> repositories to be effective - otherwise the effort required to add
> the protection will introduce an extremely high maintenance burden.
> I'll also add that there is never a risk of work being lost courtesy
> of the backup refs. The hooks automatically create these refs
> (including the unix time of the event) whenever a destructive event is
> made to a ref. The hooks will also explicitly prohibit any attempt to
> alter the backup refs - they're read only and untouchable.
> These can be manually fetched using "git fetch" if necessary to
> restore a branch which is mistakenly deleted.
> Thanks,
> Ben

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