Le 14/03/2015 16:08, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
> El Dissabte, 14 de març de 2015, a les 15:32:55, Bruno Coudoin va escriure:
>> Le 17/01/2015 00:00, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
>>> El Dilluns, 12 de gener de 2015, a les 23:58:26, Bruno Coudoin va 
> escriure:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We just made our first official release of GCompris. We now have the
>>>> need to maintain a stable and a master version. This is not possible to
>>>> do so in playground so it is time for us to go forward and move to
>>>> extragear. To this end, we have just moved to kdereview.
>>>> I have no idea what the review is looking at so I prepared nothing. If
>>>> there something I can do let me know.
>>> Several people pointed you at
>>> https://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Application_Lifecycle which contains a
>>> paragraph tha says "there are some rules to follow before you are allowed
>>> to move to either location:"
>>> We can be lax about some of them, but you should explain why you don't
>>> want to follow them.
>> Hi,
>> I am sorry for my late answer, I completely forgot about it.
>> I copy here the KDE requirements with the answer:
>> - There should be user documentation in docbook format. If you need
>> help, you can ask for help to the KDE Documentation team:
>> kde-doc-engl...@kde.org.
>> We have 2 types of user documentation:
>> * inline, each activity has its own documentation easily accessible from
>> the help menu in GCompris. This is used by children and teacher or
>> parent to discover what to do in this activity. It is translated through
>> po files. This proved to be adapted to GCompris use case and I believe
>> we should keep it this way.
>> * online manual (http://gcompris.net/wiki/Manual) which is orientated
>> towards sys admins and advanced school usage (creating profiles,
>> accessing children logs, ...). This should be moved to docbook. I added
>> a task in our tracker for that:
>> http://gcompris.net/wiki/Qt_Quick_Migration_status#Core
>> - There should be developers documentation in the form of apidox for
>> libraries you can check this at ebn
>> This is something we have not yet investigated but as GCompris matures
>> it will be more and more needed. The target here is to help activities
>> developers. I added this need in our task tracker
>> http://gcompris.net/wiki/Qt_Quick_Migration_status#Core
>> - There should be no krazy code checker issues reported. Again, you
>> can check that at ebn. There is also a tutorial on using Krazy available
>> here on TechBase.
>> We did work on that and fixed all the issues on the devel branch. By the
>> way, EBN must be changed to run krazy with '--check-set qt5' and not
>> kde4 as it is today.
>> - If possible, there should have been a basic usability review of your
>> application. Usability people are hard to get, so this is not crucial.
>> We would be pleased to get help on that. This is a very important point
>> for us that we take seriously. So far, as the application has been
>> released on Android we had the chance to get some user feedback that we
>> took in account.
>> - You should have checked for basic problems with a profiler. I hope
>> we will get a tutorial on how to do this soon
>> I have already used valgrind on C++ projects but not tested what it
>> brings to a QML project. We take performance seriously to avoid
>> excluding schools with limited hardware to run GCompris.
>> - Your application should be completely translatable.
>> The translation process is in place and works as expected. We still have
>> datasets for some activities that should be moved to the po system.
>>> As a side note, you don't ship a .desktop file, which basically makes your
>>> app invisible to desktop menus/launchers.
>> True, it would be easy to pick the Gtk+ ones but I am not sure how to
>> make them translatable.
> So you can go to google, ask him "kde translate desktop files" that will 
> point 
> you to 
> https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Build_Systems
> and specially
> https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Build_Systems#Translating_.desktop_Files

Thanks for your pointers. I pushed a desktop and an appdata file on the
devel branch.


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